VLSI 2019
1.Low-Power Approximate Unsigned Multipliers With Configurable Error Recovery
2.A High-Performance and Energy-Efficient FIR Adaptive Filter Using Approximate Distributed Arithmetic Circuits
3Concurrent Error Detectable Carry Select Adder with Easy Testability
4.Design and Analysis of Approximate Redundant Binary Multipliers
5.Area–Delay–Energy Efficient VLSI Architecture for Scalable In-Place Computation of FFT on Real Data
6.A Two-Speed, Radix-4, Serial–Parallel Multiplier
7.Formal Probabilistic Analysis of Low Latency Approximate Adders
8.Low-Power and Fast Full Adder by Exploring New XOR and XNOR Gates
9.RAP-CLA: A Reconfigurable Approximate Carry Look-Ahead Adder
10.Design of Power and Area Efficient Approximate Multipliers